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High-value datasets

According to the Directive (EU) 2019/1024, (known as the Open Data Directive) High-value datasets provide important benefits for society, the environment and the economy.

High-value datasets

Immagine descrittiva servizi dati di elevato valore

Directive (EU) 2019/1024, (known as the Open Data Directive) deals with High-value datasets focusing on their use "able to provide important benefits for society, the environment and the economy. Additionally, as hinted by their name, they are especially valuable when it comes to creating value-added services, applications and, more generally, high-quality jobs for society".

Below a list of 6 thematic categories including High-value datasets:

  1. Geospatial Data

  2. Earth observation and Environment Data

  3. Meteorological Data

  4. Statistics Data

  5. Company and companies ownership Data

  6. Mobility Data

Geospatial Data is the one that directly involves IGMI

Following the adoption of the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/138, the high-value datasets have been created for each thematic category, as well as the related publication and re-use methods. For geospatial data, see the following sets:

  • Administrative units

  • Geographic names

  • Addresses

  • Buildings

  • Cadastral parcels

  • Reference parcels

  • Agricultural parcels

According to the Regulation 2023/138, and the Guidelines containing technical rules for the opening of data and the re-use of public sector information, the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) has published the Operational Guide on High-value data sets (version 1.0 of December 2023) aiming at “providing the administrations owning high-value data sets with operational and more detailed indications for a better implementation of the Regulation itself and, therefore, supporting them during the process of opening and reusing such a particular type of data."

As for the Operational Guide, the Italian Military Geographic Institute (IGMI) is responsible for geospatial datasets concerning  national geographic names and administrative units purely for land boundaries. The Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) is instead charged for managing the administrative subdivision of the national territory, for example municipalities, provinces and regions.

Since these data adhere to the INSPIRE Directive (Directive 2007/2/EC), they must follow all the relevant implementing regulations (Regulation (EC) 976/2009 and Regulation (EU) 1088/2010) concerning the quality and characteristics of the services through which they can be released.

According to the current legislation, IGMI has therefore created the following web services:

  • Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) for displaying the two data series using georeferenced tile maps.

  • Web Feature Service (WFS) for consulting and downloading data related to the geographic names of Italy and for consulting and downloading data about national land boundaries.

It is also possible to download data in the Geopackage format, for the territorial data and in the Atom format, for the Feed service, via the following links:

IGMI is not responsible for any type of direct, indirect or accidental damage resulting from the use of the information collected through the aforementioned services.

As IGMI is the data holder, users are kindly reminded that the source must be mentioned whenever managed.


WMTS service for consultation and downloading of the geographic names of Italy and related land boundaries

WMTS (Web Map Tile Service) free of charge. A GIS software (ArcGis or QGis) to access and display data is required.

WFS service for consultation and downloading of the geographic names of Italy and related land boundaries

Web Feature Service (WFS) are free of charge services. A GIS software to access and display data is required.
